Trashley: Thirty-Four

Sweet Bobby, part one

Lauren Reeves


After nearly a year of dating, I finally called Ashley out for lying about her Grandparents’ dying. At first, she hung up on me and refused to answer my calls, as if not talking about it would make the accusations go away. But eventually, she confessed that she made it up because she was manic, which I did not buy. Ashley had relayed such a convincing and detailed story, perfectly setting up their deaths. She had told me they were the most important people in her life, and that she had an alarm go off every morning to Facetime them.

It was all fake.

Pour one out for the homies.

Ashley killed her Grandparents off in the beginning of our relationship, we hadn’t even met in person yet. We talked on the phone all the time though, her in Bakersfield and me in Los Angeles. Late one night she said, “I have to go, I hear someone crying in the hallway,” and the next morning she had told me her Grandfather died, and she was worried her Grandmother would be next since her Grandparents never spent a day apart in their sixty-year marriage. Then Grandma had a stroke and died the next day, confirming what Ashley feared would happen.

